Join the Band

Play an instrument? Consider joining a community band near you.

Community band members help load an equipment trailer
Columbus City Band members celebrate another successful unloading of the equipment trailer.

Are you an outstanding talented musician? Or maybe your horn has gotten a wee bit dusty? But you still like to pick it up from time to time and wish you did so more often?

The key thing is: You enjoy playing music with other people, making friends and supporting community arts, and so do we. Consider joining a community band near you.

Columbus City Band is open to musicians of all ages and skill levels from Columbus, Indiana, and the surrounding areas. The roster typically includes 50 to 60 members ranging in age from high school through to retirement.

The band plays a range of marches, concert and symphonic band music. Some of it more challenging than others. There’s plenty of variety to keep everyone entertained.

Requirements: CCB always welcomes new members who have enough experience to play independently. No audition is required. We’ll fit you in where we have a need and you have a comfort level.

To join, contact any of our members, stop by and observe during a rehearsal or simply bring your instrument to our next rehearsal. We do ask that you attend several rehearsals before performing in a concert.


A woman directs a community band rehearsal
Paige Chadwick directs a rehearsal in the band room at Central Middle School in Columbus, Indiana.

Feel free to observe a rehearsal or hop right in:

7 to 9 p.m.

Central Middle School band room

CMS is located at 725 7th St. in Columbus, Indiana. Park in the lot just east of the school (7th and Chestnut) and enter from that side.

The band room is on the second floor. To get there, enter the school through the east doors, go up the stairs on the left or elevator on the right, and then go left down the hall to the corner.

You’ll hear us.

Note: Be sure to arrive before 7 p.m., as rehearsal begins on the dot, and the building’s exterior doors are locked if there’s no other event being held at the school.

For more information, contact one of our band officers.