Merry Christmas!

Wonderful program yesterday. Kind of a hectic beginning being locked out of the church. Chuck VanNatta was very apologetic for the inconvenience. I look forward to returning to the downtown area once the new Commons is open and available.

I haven’t listened to the recording of the concert yet, but there were many fine moments. Be sure to revisit our Web site and listen as soon as selections are made available. As always, if you want a complete CD, let Beth White or me know, and provide a blank CD-R.

Jo and I are heading for Florida on New Year’s Day and returning the 16th, sort of an abbreviated stay this year. Dick Parman has graciously volunteered to steer the CCB through the first two rehearsals for the Winter Concert, then Dick will head to Las Vegas to see his grandson, and I will resume the conducting chores. Well, it’s not really a chore. I look forward to those Monday nights.

I wish you all a very happy and meaningful Christmas season. Hope you enjoy the break, but shake hands with the instrument from time to time. Don’t become too estranged. It will pay off on Jan. 4. Remember, only six rehearsals for the Winter Concert.

Jo and I thank you so much for the Christmas card and the enclosures. They will come in very handy on our trip south.

Have “A Most Wonderful Time”!
