Details for Nov. 27 concert at the Commons
Concert details

Here are the details for our concert at 2 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 27, at the Commons, 300 Washington St., in Columbus.
: Details for Nov. 27 concert at the CommonsWHEN TO BE WHERE
Load up: 12:30 p.m. from Central MS — pretty please help!
In seats: 1:30 p.m.
Concert begins: 2 p.m.
Reload: Afterward, your help is appreciated reloading the truck and unloading at the school.
The basics are black pants/skirts, tops/jacket (with white shirt and black tie), hose/socks/tights and shoes. For this concert, add any seasonal bling you’d like.
Street-side parking is available, as well as plenty of free parking in the garage just north of the Commons.
BE SURE to return your folders to the tubs after the concert.
After this performance, CCB will be on winter break. Rehearsals will resume Monday, Jan. 9.
See you Sunday!