Spring concert April 18

The Spring Concert is this Sunday, April 18, at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1751 27th St. in Columbus. Parking is off Wildwood Lane or Forest Drive. Loading: 12:45 p.m. from Central MS — please help! In seats: 1:30 p.m. Concert…

No rehearsal tonight

Attention, CCBers: Due to meteorological conditions beyond our control, rehearsal is canceled tonight (2/15). Look forward to thawing out next week as we break out music for our Spring Concert. Stay safe out there and see you next week!

Weather watch

Great concert today! Rehearsals resume for our Spring Concert Monday night. However, we’re keeping an eye on the snow. We’ll send an e-mail out and post a note here on the site about whether we cancel rehearsal. Stay safe and…

Winter concert is this Sunday

The Holiday Concert is this Sunday, Feb. 14, at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1751 27th St. in Columbus. Parking is off Wildwood Lane or Forest Drive. Loading: 12:45 p.m. from Central MS — please help! In seats: 1:30 p.m. Concert…

Happy New Year!

Rehearsals resume Monday, Jan. 4, at Central Middle School in preparation for our Winter Concert Sunday, Feb. 14. See you then!

Merry Christmas!

Wonderful program yesterday. Kind of a hectic beginning being locked out of the church. Chuck VanNatta was very apologetic for the inconvenience. I look forward to returning to the downtown area once the new Commons is open and available. I…

Holiday concert this Sunday

The Holiday Concert is this Sunday, Dec. 13, at Asbury UMC. Loading: 12:45 p.m. from Central MS — please help! In seats: 1:30 p.m. Concert begins: 2 p.m. Reload: Afterward, please help reload the truck and unload at the school…

Salvation Army volunteers?

Major Jerry Curtright with the Columbus Salvation Army is looking for volunteers to ring bells or perform holiday tunes at some of their locations over the holidays. The ringing begins next Friday (the day after Thanksgiving). Shifts are available Monday…

Do you have photos of Mike Gill?

The Chordlighter Chorus is “Remembering Mike Gill” at the opening of their Dec. 4 Christmas show. Mike died of cancer 10 years ago, and they’re looking for photos of him while he played in CCB during the 1990s. Mike was…

Fall Concert Sunday

Our Fall Concert is this Sunday, Oct. 18, at Asbury United Methodist Church. It also will be the maiden voyage of our new 18-foot trailer. You’re encouraged to celebrate by visiting it early at Central Middle School for the trailer-warming…

New officers elected

During last Monday’s rehearsal, our new officers were voted in: President: Leigh Hedger Vice President: Dick Parman Secretary: Ron Duncan Treasurer: Ben Pence Congratulations to them and tremendous thanks to all of our out-going officers for their years of service…

Congrats to Roger the Rain Rider

Roger Wallace, 74, crosses the finish line of the 160-mile Rain Ride on July 18, 2009. Roger Wallace, trombonist, finished another Rain Ride this summer. He completed the 160-mile bike across Indiana along Historic National Route 40 in a mere…