Upcoming schedule
Mondays, 7-9 p.m. | REHEARSALS at Central Middle School
Monday, Aug. 26, 7-9 p.m. | Rehearsals resume
Monday, Sept. 2 | Labor Day — no rehearsal
Sunday, Oct. 13, 2 p.m. | CONCERT at the Commons
Sunday, Dec. 1, 2 p.m. | CONCERT at The Crump
Monday, Jan. 13 | Rehearsals resume
Note: Monday, Jan. 20, is MLK Day so our rehearsal that week will be 7-9 p.m. WEDNESDAY, Jan. 22.
CANCELLED: Sunday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m. | CONCERT at the Commons
Sunday, April 13, 2 p.m. | CONCERT at the Commons
Friday, May 9, 5:30 p.m. | Ivy Tech Graduation
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